The implementation schedules of all public works projects are subject to adjustment depending on availability of resources 所有公共工程的具体施工时间表都必须按资源分配的需要而厘定。
The jobs or tasks are scheduled for execution at a time chosen by the subsystem according to an available policy and availability of resources 子系统根据可用的策略和资源的可用性,安排在某一选定时间执行作业或任务。
If you ' re scheduling tasks based on the availability of resources , you should track the progress of your tasks by updating the work completed on a task 如果要基于可用资源来排定任务,则应该通过更新任务的完成工时来跟踪进度。
For the company , this capability helped decision - makers select projects based on their potential for return given current availability of resources 为了公司,这种回归的潜力帮助决策者们根据他们所精选的项目给当前的资源来来了可及性。
For the company , this capability helped decision - makers select projects based on their potential for return given current availability of resources 对公司而言,这种能力有助于决策者在现有可利用资源的条件下,根据项目本身回报的潜力来选择项目。